675 words
3 minutes
49 配置信息设置


https://boson.v2mcdev.com/configure/configure.html https://github.com/neoforged/MDK/blob/main/src/main/java/com/example/examplemod/ExampleMod.java



这里有四个配置项,第一个是int数值,第二个是布尔数值,第三个是string,第四个是一个string的list # 开头的是注释

#General settings
	#config value
	#Range: > 0
	value = 10
	#config boolean value
	boolean_value = true
	#What you want the introduction message to be for the magic number
	magicNumberIntroduction = "The magic number is... "
	#A list of items to log on common setup.
	items = ["minecraft:iron_ingot"]


@Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = ExampleMod.MODID,bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD) // 这个注解是非必要的。这里我们的使用了一个事件,所以加了这个注解
public class Config { // 添加一个config类
    private static final ModConfigSpec.Builder BUILDER = new ModConfigSpec.Builder() // 创建一个modconfigspec的builder我们需要通过这个builder构建配置
            .comment("General settings") // 就是[general] 上面的注解
            .push("general"); // 这是表示添加一个新的配置列表,名字是[general]

    public static final ModConfigSpec.IntValue VALUE = BUILDER
            .comment("config value")// 使用bulider构建一个int数值 
            .defineInRange("value",10,0,Integer.MAX_VALUE);// 设置名称,初始值,最小值,最大值

    public static final ModConfigSpec.BooleanValue BOOLEAN_VALUE = BUILDER
            .comment("config boolean value")
            .define("boolean_value", true);// 构建一个布尔值

    public static final ModConfigSpec.ConfigValue<String> MAGIC_NUMBER_INTRODUCTION = BUILDER
            .comment("What you want the introduction message to be for the magic number")
            .define("magicNumberIntroduction", "The magic number is... ");

    // a list of strings that are treated as resource locations for items
    public  static final ModConfigSpec.ConfigValue<List<? extends String>> ITEM_STRINGS = BUILDER
            .comment("A list of items to log on common setup.")
            .defineListAllowEmpty("items", List.of("minecraft:iron_ingot"), Config::validateItemName);

    // 检验item名称是否合法
    private static boolean validateItemName(final Object obj)
        return obj instanceof String itemName && BuiltInRegistries.ITEM.containsKey(new ResourceLocation(itemName));
    // 构建配置
    public static final ModConfigSpec SPEC = BUILDER.pop().build();
    // 下面演示的是怎么获得配置中的数值 这部分并不是必要的
    public static boolean logDirtBlock;
    public static int magicNumber;
    public static String magicNumberIntroduction;
    public static Set<Item> items;
    // 这里的配置事件的记载时候的调用,我们将配置中的数值赋值给了对于的字段,等会打印这些字段
    static void onLoad(final ModConfigEvent event) {
        logDirtBlock = BOOLEAN_VALUE.get();
        magicNumber = VALUE.get();
        magicNumberIntroduction = MAGIC_NUMBER_INTRODUCTION.get();

        // convert the list of strings into a set of items
        items = ITEM_STRINGS.get().stream()
                .map(itemName -> BuiltInRegistries.ITEM.get(new ResourceLocation(itemName)))



// The value here should match an entry in the META-INF/mods.toml file
public class ExampleMod
    public static final String MODID = "examplemod";
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LogUtils.getLogger();
     public ExampleMod(IEventBus modEventBus)
        ModLoadingContext.get().registerConfig(ModConfig.Type.COMMON, Config.SPEC);

    private void commonSetup(final FMLCommonSetupEvent event)

        // log config info
        // 根据读取的字段的数值进行打印
        if (Config.logDirtBlock) // boolean值
            LOGGER.info("DIRT BLOCK >> {}", BuiltInRegistries.BLOCK.getKey(Blocks.DIRT));
        // string和value数值
        LOGGER.info(Config.magicNumberIntroduction + Config.magicNumber);
        // list
        Config.items.forEach((item) -> LOGGER.info("ITEM >> {}", item.toString()));




49 配置信息设置
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