626 words
3 minutes
28 配置Config
28 配置Config
package com.mafuyu33.neomafishmod;
import net.neoforged.neoforge.common.ModConfigSpec;
public class Config {
private static final ModConfigSpec.Builder BUILDER = new ModConfigSpec.Builder();
/// ***************
public static ModConfigSpec.BooleanValue isFuThrowable = BUILDER.comment("Whether enable axe can throwable").define("isFuThrowable", true);
public static ModConfigSpec.BooleanValue isAlwaysEnchantable = BUILDER.comment("Whether can enchanted any item ").define("isAlwaysEnchantable", true);
public static ModConfigSpec.BooleanValue isFireworkCanUseOnEntity = BUILDER.comment("Whether fireworks rockets can be used entity").define("isFireworkCanUseOnEntity", true);
public static ModConfigSpec.BooleanValue isFireworkCanHitOnEntity = BUILDER.comment("Whether fireworks rockets can be hit entity").define("isFireworkCanHitOnEntity", true);
public static ModConfigSpec.BooleanValue isShieldDashable = BUILDER.comment("Whether enable Shield Dash").define("isShieldDashable", true);
public static ModConfigSpec.BooleanValue isLeadCanLinkTogether = BUILDER.comment("Whether enable Lead Can Link Together").define("isLeadCanLinkTogether", true);
public static ModConfigSpec.BooleanValue isLeadCanLinkEveryMob = BUILDER.comment("Whether enable Lead Can Link Every Mob").define("isLeadCanLinkEveryMob", true);
public static ModConfigSpec.BooleanValue isSpyglassCanPin = BUILDER.comment("Whether enable Spyglass Can Pin").define("isSpyglassCanPin", true);
public static ModConfigSpec.BooleanValue isSwimTripwire = BUILDER.comment("Whether enable Swim Tripwire").define("isSwimTripwire", true);
public static ModConfigSpec.BooleanValue isBowDashable = BUILDER.comment("Whether enable Bow Dash").define("isBowDashable", true);
public static ModConfigSpec.BooleanValue isNestedBoxInfinite = BUILDER.comment("Whether enable Nested Box Infinite").define("isNestedBoxInfinite", true);
public static ModConfigSpec.BooleanValue isGoatDashForever = BUILDER.comment("Whether enable Goat Dash Forever").define("isGoatDashForever", true);
public static ModConfigSpec.BooleanValue isGoatDashTogether = BUILDER.comment("Whether enable Goat Dash Together").define("isGoatDashTogether", true);
public static ModConfigSpec.BooleanValue isBeeRideable = BUILDER.comment("Whether enable Bee Rideable").define("isBeeRideable", true);
public static ModConfigSpec.BooleanValue isQinNa = BUILDER.comment("Whether enable Qin Na").define("isQinNa", true);
public static ModConfigSpec.BooleanValue isLlamaSpitForever = BUILDER.comment("Whether enable Llama Spit Forever").define("isLlamaSpitForever", true);
public static ModConfigSpec.ConfigValue<Float> breakDistance = BUILDER.comment("How far can you break").define("breakDistance", 10f);
public static boolean isFuThrowable() {
return isFuThrowable.get();
public static boolean isFireworkCanUseOnEntity() {
return isFireworkCanUseOnEntity.get();
public static boolean isFireworkCanHitOnEntity() {
return isFireworkCanHitOnEntity.get();
public static boolean isShieldDashable() {
return isShieldDashable.get();
public static boolean isAlwaysEnchantable() {
return isAlwaysEnchantable.get();
public static boolean isLeadCanLinkTogether() {
return isLeadCanLinkTogether.get();
public static Float breakDistance() {
return breakDistance.get();
public static boolean isLeadCanLinkEveryMob() {
return isLeadCanLinkEveryMob.get();
public static boolean isSpyglassCanPin() {
return isSpyglassCanPin.get();
public static boolean isSwimTripwire() {
return isSwimTripwire.get();
public static boolean isBowDashable() {
return isBowDashable.get();
public static boolean isNestedBoxInfinite() {
return isNestedBoxInfinite.get();
public static boolean isGoatDashForever() {
return isGoatDashForever.get();
public static boolean isGoatDashTogether() {
return isGoatDashTogether.get();
public static boolean isLlamaSpitForever() {
return isLlamaSpitForever.get();
public static boolean isBeeRideable() {
return isBeeRideable.get();
public static boolean isQinNa() {
return isQinNa.get();
static final ModConfigSpec SPEC = BUILDER.build();
// The value here should match an entry in the META-INF/neoforge.mods.toml file
public class NeoMafishMod
// Define mod id in a common place for everything to reference
public static final String MODID = "neomafishmod";
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogUtils.getLogger();
public NeoMafishMod(IEventBus modEventBus, ModContainer modContainer)
// 这里你可以指定是客户端,服务端, 还是两端都需要。
// common 表示两端都有
#Whether enable axe can throwable
isFuThrowable = true
#Whether can enchanted any item
isAlwaysEnchantable = true
#Whether fireworks rockets can be used entity
isFireworkCanUseOnEntity = true
#Whether fireworks rockets can be hit entity
isFireworkCanHitOnEntity = true
#Whether enable Shield Dash
isShieldDashable = true
#Whether enable Lead Can Link Together
isLeadCanLinkTogether = true
#Whether enable Lead Can Link Every Mob
isLeadCanLinkEveryMob = true
#Whether enable Spyglass Can Pin
isSpyglassCanPin = true
#Whether enable Swim Tripwire
isSwimTripwire = true
#Whether enable Bow Dash
isBowDashable = true
#Whether enable Nested Box Infinite
isNestedBoxInfinite = true
#Whether enable Goat Dash Forever
isGoatDashForever = true
#Whether enable Goat Dash Together
isGoatDashTogether = true
#Whether enable Bee Rideable
isBeeRideable = true
#Whether enable Qin Na
isQinNa = true
#Whether enable Llama Spit Forever
isLlamaSpitForever = true
#How far can you break
breakDistance = 10.0